

The residential building SAN FRANCISCO is located in Jara neighborhood of Asuncion. A traditional neighborhood of housing with courtyard, hills and ceramic; leafy trees, shadows and views. Our architectural decisions try to understand and... read more

‘Sometimes, an ordinary brick wishes to be something beyond itself.” These words truly portray the potential of an ordinary material; the comprehension of a material which is considered as the petite component that can be composed as the architecture. The initiation of the project with the primary concept... read more

The district that is the location of the development, the Wilhelmsburg district, is situated within the city of Hamburg between two arms of the Elbe – the Norderelbe and the Süderelbe-Köhlbrand branch. The neighbourhood, which is in the south part of the Reihersteig quarter, is characterized by a traditional... read more

The project for the realization of the Brescia’s swimming center, is located in the district of Mompiano in the north part of the city, near the football stadium. The volume is characterized as an urban architecture, open to a specific relationship with the sorroundings... read more