

Buiksloterham (BSH) is part of a former industrial area located on the Northern bank of the IJ-river in Amsterdam. The location is now being developed into a metropolitan, sustainable working and living area that houses more than 4.000 homes. Project Docklands was the winning entry in 2010 for plot 12 of a competition on sustainability in Buiksloterham, in which the municipality has selected our team on the best energy and sustainability concept...read more

Brickface is a compact building situated at the rear of an existing house in Richmond, Melbourne. It consists of a garage at ground level, studio living/guest suite at first floor, and a roof deck accessed by a sculptural spiral staircase...read more

Facing the opportunity to experiment in a residential work of small scale, it's developed a series of essays that constitute the frame theorical-practical of project, manipulating a traditional element of our constructive culture in search new meanings and possibilities...read more

The Toodyay Shack sits on a re-viewed and re-configured 1/2 acre town site. The memory of the house is also re-viewed and re-configured. The climatic regression house plays with thresholds of what is internal and what is external...read more