Lakerlopen / Hans van der Heijden Architect
Of old, people use the street for living in Lakerlopen garden city. The urbanists of MUST proposed to reconstruct one part of the district with a square, a court, an alley, streets and a green boulevard. The conventional urban spaces was further developed by Hans van der Heijden’s design of equally conventional house... read more
Employment Academy / Peter Barber Architects
The Employment Academy is a state of the art education and advice centre in Southwark. It offers skills training and support services for long term workless people with the intention of helping them back into sustainable employment. The scheme is laid out around a delightful courtyard formed on two sides by a new... read more
Women’s Opportunity Center / Sharon Davis Design
On a two-hectare site in Rwanda, the most densely populated country in Africa, the Women’s Opportunity Center is empowering one small community and, in turn, rewriting our role as designers. One hour from the Rwandan capital of Kigali, Kayonza is like much of this strife-torn nation: a place with few... read more
Fortress Brick House / Wise Architecture
Sindang-dong was located near Gwanghuimun Gate where dead bodies usually came out from the Hanyang City Wall and a lot of shamans have lived around that neighborhood. It was told that due to these circumstances, the name of this town was originated from 'Sindang' which means 'a Spiritual... read more