The Parish Church of the Celestial Queen / 4 plusz Építész Stúdió
The Parish Church of Celestial Queen got its new place in an eclectic building at the Szent István square in Budapest. As a result of an agreement between the local government and the religious community, the Catholic parsonage has moved into the building formerly housing the Erkel Ferenc Music School... read more
Ro House / Alexanderson Arquitectos
The land where the project is located is a private residential zone with very specific regulations. The architectural approach allows an uneven distribution squad that offers service areas across the boundaries of the land, allowing a free flow and generating one of the major elements in the house; the central courtyard... read more
Aperture / Admun Design & Construction Studio
Located to the east of Tehran in a harsh industrial setting, Steel Form Factory’s multi-purpose building is aimed at providing a pleasant space fulfilling several functions, comprising of two offices, two residential units, a showroom and several locker rooms. When the architects were commissioned the job, the first... read more
The Alpine Place / Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt
Ayre Chamberlain Gaunt completes £25m mixed-use scheme in North West London. Alpine Place scheme redevelops a former 1.4ha light industrial estate in Brent, creating an inclusive and thriving community while acting as a catalyst for the wider regeneration of the local area.... read more