

Located in the northern Dutch town of Den Helder, the project occupies a long site between two canals, the Helderskanaal and Werfkanaal where it looks out onto Den Helder’s fine Napoleonic naval yard. West 8’s masterplan for the... read more

Located on Chicureo's valley of the Metropolitan Region of Chile, on an urbanization surrounded by native vegetation. The house’s plan is deployed along the plot and it propounds two broken faces; one of... read more

Charcoal House, situated in Pape and Danforth neighborhood in Toronto, Ontario, is deceivingly presenting a raucous box. The randomly patterned square windows on its façade and the hidden entrance door at the corner of the building are elements that not only make it... read more

The house of Clay and Oak - Poplar Cottage / Dow Jones Architects

Poplar Cottage is a small house on The Green in Walberswick built in the early 1920s. Over the past eighty years a number of piecemeal extensions had resulted in a peculiar internal organisation that cut the house off from its garden. Our brief was... read more