Housing for the visually impaired / 70F architecture
The task was to create three houses for 24-27 (semi) self-supporting visually impaired inhabitants with 8-9 persons per house. Taken in consideration was the possibility to later sell the houses as private villas in this beautiful environment. The houses are divided into two elements, coupled by a glass corridor. The space between the two elements is a sheltered patio...read more
Brick Curtain House_Nidhi / Design Work Group
This Residence the architectural space we are calling it a “Brick curtain House”. It is a functional environment where our client carry part of their life. Climate-Context and Client’s brief were major driving forces for the accomplishment of this project. The site is a part of Residential society a corner plot approached from road on the west edge. The layout...read more
Ying Liang Stone / Atelier Alter
This rehabilitation project converts a storage space into a stone archive to showcase the diversities of stone craft and to create a space for architects to contemplate their designs with stone. As the most primitive construction material, brick and stone come with dignity and authenticity. However, as construction today becomes more visually dominated...read more
Fontys School of Sport Studies / Mecanoo
The completion in 2012 of the Fontys School of Sport Studies at Eindhoven’s Genneper Parks was a first step in turning the parks into a 'sports estate'. Mecanoo’s design creates an important link in the network of sport accommodations and facilities in Genneper Parks. 2200 students and teachers make daily use of sports facilities in their own building, including the National Swimming Centre, the Tongelreep and the Indoor Sports Centre...read more