

Aráoz 967 / BAAG

Aráoz 967 / BAAG

  • © Javier Agustín Rojas / Aráoz 967 / BAAG
  • © Javier Agustín Rojas / Aráoz 967 / BAAG


Aráoz 967 is a residential building located in Villa Crespo, a low density area with a strong neighborhood character. The project faces the difficulty of continuing to densify the city in a neighborhood of low-density houses that define their identity as their urban way of life.


From the study of materials, the route of the sun and the proportions of the windows, the building is projected consolidating the official line, without balconies or retreats, completing and respecting the morphology of the block, with its old houses and generating bellows between outside and inside.

The existence of a patio between the two blocks generates cross ventilation and continuity in the visuals. The private sector of the unit is linked to the external ones. The kitchens and the accesses of the units look towards the patio, suggesting a space where it is possible to be seen and from where you can look, greet and interact.

The independence of the compositional elements was intended. The reinforced concrete structure is visible in its entirety and the enclosure of the building consists of prefabricated modules of folded sheet that make openings (empty) and brick support (full). The alteration by levels of these full and empty shapes the rhythm and composition of the facades and put as protagonist the brick, a material present in the neighborhood collective imaginary. The housing services are made up of a wooden prism that articulates the income to each unit.

Araoz 967 aims to recover neighborhood-scale links, generate a sustainable habitat using materials and spatial configurations as resources and take on the challenge of densifying a developing area of the city respecting its neighborhood character.

Why brick?

Brick is a very common material in Argentina. From our office, BAAG Buenos Aires Arquitectura Grupal, we seek to think about projects from their material condition, and understand that a way to generate relevance in architecture is by working with the available materials and popular wisdom. From that closeness and immediacy provided by the brick, we project buildings that in addition to identifying with the city, involve innovations in the usual technology. The brick also allows the construction of bris soleil, filters, screens with textures and other situations that generate uniqueness in each space.



Extra Info

Author: BAAG - Buenos Aires Arquitectura Grupal
Architects: Griselda Balian, Gabriel Monteleone, Gastón Noriega
Collaborators: Victoria Cuadrado, Martin Dallasta, Federico Pía
Year: 2017-2018
Built Area: 858 m2