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  • Tagh Behesht by Rvad Studio
    The project’s primary design methodology began with an investigation of architectural history of bazaars in Iran and the city of Mash-had. Since time immemorial, the unbreakable bond between the city bazaars and the foundations of the economy has led to bazaars taking on an important and consistent role in people’s daily lives. The principal morphology of the design is inspired by bazaars such as Sar-Shoor, Farsh and… read more
  • Bricks in the office interior design. SEMBA VIETNAM OFFICE by SEMBA VIETNAM
    How to achieve a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the office? We know the answer – the cornerstone of any interior is the right choice of the materials. Bricks are the perfect solution in this question. It is always a good choice: eco-friendly, durable and long-lasting material for interiors. A project SEMBA VIETNAM OFFICE by Mamoru Maeda is an adorable example of using the bricks: “We decided… read more
    DESIGNED IN 1952-54 LOCATION: Finland, Jyväskylä Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto (3 February 1898 – 11 May 1976) was the most powerful and significant Finnish architect and designer. 200 out 500 buildings was designed by Alvar Aalto have been built. He worked mostly in International Style Modernism, where he combined functionality, atmosphere, simplycity and even national, cultural identity. As Sigfried Giedion mentioned : "Finland is with Aalto wherever… read more

Brickface is a compact building situated at the rear of an existing house in Richmond, Melbourne. It consists of a garage at ground level, studio living/guest suite at first floor, and a roof deck accessed by a sculptural spiral staircase...read more

The Toodyay Shack sits on a re-viewed and re-configured 1/2 acre town site. The memory of the house is also re-viewed and re-configured. The climatic regression house plays with thresholds of what is internal and what is external...read more

Daejo-dong was an typical multi- family houses district which was developed in 1980’s and 1990’s. However, these days, the urban mixed-use dwellings with small shops begin to be built in the narrow back-streets...read more

Transformation, renovation, expansion, and museography for a military history interpretive centre focussing primarily on the two world wars. Permanent and temporary exhibits, forum, restaurant, etc...read more

An invitational architecture competition was arranged in 2004 in the campus of Helsinki University of Technology in Espoo, Finland. The campus is originally designed by architect Alvar Aalto. The goal was to find a solution for student housing in a narrow plot that was essential for the townscape in Otaniemi campus...read more

The Ilma Grove house is one of our greenest houses. Its planning and orientation is based solidly around passive solar efficiency. All roof captured rain water is harvested. It has solar panels, high performance insulation, recycled materials, LowE coated double glazing, low VOC materials and, most importantly, it is small...read more

The empty and forgotten semi-basement space in the 19th century Ljubljana corner building, which faces the riverside and a rarely frequented stairs-street, housed diverse ventures in the past, from a local butcher shop to a wholesale wine store...read more

Urveel is a weekend residence, away from the city noises, into the woods. Located in the village of Sania Hemad in Surat district, Urveel represents the character of earth in its true sense. The 900 sq m bungalow rests on the edge of the village...read more

Villa S is the home of a family of four. The house is beautifully situated at the top of a steep site, sloping towards the icy blue fjord. The house is designed so that the interior and exterior architecture mirrors the naturally sloping terrain on site...read more

Winner of the City of Sydney Design Excellence Competition in 2013, Arc represents an architectural statement that combines craftsmanship and texture to create a contemporary tower that respects the rich historical context of its surrounding urban fabric...read more